




Get the visibility you need to keep control over your farm business


Since launch in December 2017, Yagro Price Check has helped hundreds of farmers nationwide to get transparent, verified price information on their Ag Chem. When Price Check was announced, we stated that "the more farms that sign up and anonymously contribute their data, the more powerful the tool will become." With 50,000 verified price points representing nearly £100m UK Ag Chem spend (that's over 10% of the market), we are are delighted to see how farms have embraced this approach.

Using this information, our customers have been able to ensure the best prices at point of purchase, and maximise rebates at the end of season. It's all about helping to see, manage, and control your variable spend on farm. With improved aggragate and market insight, this latest feature improvement will help drive more value to users, and money in their pockets.

Your key metrics in one place

Our new 'Overview' page brings farm-level summary information to your fingertips.

The Season Spend shows you your spend to date, and how it compares year on year. This will update each time you submit invoices to us, so keep them coming to see real-time progress on your spend and buying performance.

The Buying Score gives you a single reference score (out of 10) for how well you are buying compared to the market - a quick and easy benchmark metric to check your performance against others in the market.

We also calculate and summarise how much you could save if you bought at the best prices, through the Total Savings Opportunity - shown as a farm total, and per hectare. This gives you your headline target for rebates, or cash savings improvements for next year.

There is more on the overview page: the Buying Profile is a graphical representation of how well you are buying individual products - the more green, the better you are doing! The Ag Chem Spend Profile breaks down your chemical spend into months through the year. The Supplier Profile tracks your spend per distributor over the years. Visualising the data provides trends and meaningful insights that farmers can use to their advantage.

Analyse your entire spend in full detail

Our original 'My Prices' page has also had a revamp, to give you greater control and insight on each product purchased. The major change here is to reflect the total value spent on a product for your farm - rather than simply a price per unit.

All purchased chemicals now sit alongside their active ingredients, and show the total £ paid in the chosen season. Alongside this is the traditional Buying Score for each product, and the total value you could save if you bought each product at the best price. For example, a user could find out they could save £ 1,770+ (11%) per season on Nemathorin 10G - or more than £ 900 (9%) on Avadex Excel 15G alone! Seeing these savings in actual pounds has a real impact and gives you real negotiating power. A £/unit breakdown remains available for each product, by simply clicking on the product name.

We also display potential savings by using alternative brands. This product information comes direct from the Pesticides Register of UK Authorised Products, linked to our extensive database of prices.

The value of Yagro Price Check

Historically we had tied agronomy on the farm, and bought all the chemical through our agronomist. We had plenty of assurance that we were getting good prices thanks to this set up. Initially, we signed up to Yagro’s Price Check tool for extra reassurance. Instead we quickly realised how much we were overpaying for our agrochemicals

Price Check is completely confidential, and no personal information and individually-identifiable data (e.g. specific price points, delivery dates and postcodes) will ever be shared with anyone. We use prices to build an anonymous, aggregated view of the market, so users only see the range of prices paid, with no individual prices or details about farms participating.